Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Possitve Thinking Tip No : 3

Put it on paper.

One of the ways to encourage positive thinking is by literally putting the words on paper. You can easily write positive affirmations down on a piece of paper, and then post it somewhere that can be easily seen everyday. These affirmations usually begin with “I HAVE” or “I AM.” Use the present tense to make the affirmation more real.

An example of a positive written message goes like this: “I am a healthy and happy person.” For starters, you can create one that says: “Today is a wonderful day.”

A lot of people respond really well to visual messages. To see is to believe, remember? By seeing “Today is a wonderful day” on your bedroom wall, you are almost programming yourself to have a pleasant day.

It’s the complete opposite of those who wake up each day feeling as heavy as lead. By staying with a negative thought from bed to breakfast, they’re actually setting themselves up for a lousy day at work.

Now that you know what staying grumpy can do to you, it’s time to take charge and reverse your situation. Positive thinking is not rocket science. You can be a teenager or a senior citizen and still apply positive thinking in your life. Keep in mind that the simplest actions can uplift your mood. Once you’re used to being a positive thinker, everything else will become a breeze.

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