Monday, April 27, 2009

Network Marketing can EXPAND your MARKET

Recently i was reading one of the leading business news paper and it has an article about GREEN TEA and how This brand Twining what they did to increase the sale.

when they opened up the segment in a premium segment.

Indian tea connoisseurs, used to their cup of Darjeeling or Classic Assam, had no taste for green tea till recently. The issue was availability. It could be had either in expensive hotels or in select outlets and was mostly of the imported variety.

It was too niche a market to excite the entrenched tea companies.

Twinings, saw an opportunity there. Green tea is known to have medicinal properties which help reduce weight, prevent cancer and even fight heart diseases. It could expand the market by selling the health and wellness platform to the young: Green tea could reduce the average age of premium tea drinkers from above 35 to 25 plus.

The first step was to gauge consumer response. So, last year, Twinings tied up with direct marketing company Amway and introduced the green tea packs in its catalogue books for consumers.

It also sampled the product amongst the “Diamond” members of Amway (most successful partners) and trained them on the benefits of green tea.

The result was phenomenal: Twinings sold its three-month inventory within 30 days.

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